Hi Guys...
We continued to Present Perfect Tense.
Present Perfect Tense is used to talk about activities in the past and have still a contact with the time now.
Use the present perfect tense when:
~ Something happened in the past, and
~ The result of happening is still there.
1. I have closed the door. (The result; The door is still closed)
2. Aiiu has gone to Japan. (The result; Aiiu is still in Japan)
This is different from the simple past tense:
1.I closed the door. (The result; You don’t know if the door is still closed or not)
2.Aiiu went to Japan. (The result; She is no longer in Japan)
► The Affirmative Form
Pattern : S + Auxiliary Verb (Have/Has) + past participle + . . .
1. He has bought a car here. (He has the car)
2. I lived in Japan (I know Japan)
This tense often uses “for” and “since” especially to express the continuing events (peristiwa yg masih berlanjut).
1. I have been here for 15 minutes.
2. I have been here since 9 o’clock.
Contractions with the present tense:
I have → I’ve
You have → You’ve
He has → He’s
She has → She’s
It has → It’s
Wina has → Wina’s
We have → We’ve
They have → They’ve
Contraction of ‘s may be confusing sometimes. It can come from the verb be (is) or the auxiliary has. But you can understand it from the context.
The key are:
→ The contraction of ‘s from the auxiliary verb has when it is followed by past participle.
→ The contraction of ‘s from the verb be (is) when it is followed by nouns, adjectives, or V-ing
1. She’s borrowed my book. (auxiliary has)
2. She’s listening to music. (verb be)
► The Negative Form
Pattern: S = Auxiliary verb (Have/Has) + not + past participle + …
1. Aiiu has not gone to the movie.
2. He has not finished repairing the radio.
► The Interrogative Form
Pattern: Auxiliary (Have/Has) + S + Past Participle + … + ?
1. Has Wina finished his homework?
2. Have student done their assignments?