Hi guys, we meet again in my primbon…
Before now, I will tell you about a accident in Diponegoro street, beside Maranata crunch ..
Yesterday, when I back to home.. I saw a accident..
A electrician get a shock in a electric post, when he was repaired the electric post.
But, the victim survivor of the accident..
Oh yeah guys.. I’m remember, this is a example of recount text.
Do you remember definition of RECOUNT TEXT…?
Okay guys, I will Write about Recount text…
Recount text is a text that is used to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.
The generic structures of recount text are :
* Orientation ( it gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text such as who was involved, where it happened, when it happened)
* Events (a series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence)
* Re-orientation (restates the writer’s opinion or personal comment of the writer on the incident
The significant Lexicogrammatical features :
◦ Use of simple past tense
◦ Use of temporal conjunctions (when, after, before, next, later, then)
◦ Use of personal pronoun (I, we)