Ada Bisnis Menarik Nih. !!
Kita Bisa Mendapatkan MILYARAN Rupiah tanpa mengeluarkan modal alias GRATIIIIS...
Caranya gampang...
dan Sampai jumpa dipuncak kesuksesan..
My name is Ramot Doni Ravindra..
But you can call me Vindra..
My hobbies are listening to music and playing badminton..
I like japanese rock music (lynch)
and acoustic music (depapepe)
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis. Aliquam sit amet felis. Mauris ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis. Aliquam sit amet felis. Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, quam diam dictum urna, nec placerat elit nisl in ...
Here's an mp3 file that was uploaded as an attachment:
Juan Manuel Fangio by Yue
And here's a link to an external mp3 file:
Acclimate by General Fuzz
Both are CC licensed.
Lorem ...
Some block quote tests:
Here's a one line quote.
This part isn't quoted. Here's a much longer quote:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In dapibus. In pretium pede. Donec ...
Every week, I’m with my big family go to church for religious.
Now, while I’m break, I’m posting my written
This day, I write about Appointment,
So, I will give explanation about Definition of Appointment, Making an appointment, Accepting an appointment, Declining an appointment, and Canceling an appointment.
First, Definition of Appointment:
Appointment tells about agreement for meeting. It is good to make an appointment before you meet someone or people.
Making an appointment:
I’d like to make an appointment with. . . . (person)
I want to make an appointment to see….. (person)
I’d like to make an appointment to see . . .( person)
Will you go out with me tonight ?
Can I come and see you?
Accepting an Appointment:
All right, see you there
No problem, I’m free on….(Thursday)
Be there on time
I’ll wait for you there
It’s a deal
Ramot : Hi Vindra, Will you go out with me tonight?
Vindra : Sure, see you there.. ^_^
Declining an appointment:
·I’d love to, but I can’t.
·I really want to, but I can’t
·Sorry, I can’t
·I’m sorry, I have another appointment
Ravindra : Will you come to my house tomorrow ?
Ramot : Oh, I’m sorry Rav. I have another appointment.
Canceling an appointment:
·I’m sorry, I’m very busy
·I’m terrible sorry I have to put off my appointment
·I’m afraid I have to postpone my appointment with….( person) tomorrow morning
Doni : I’m so sorry, I can’t meet you today. Because, I’m very busy
Ravi : Okay, I understand.
Source : 1. Buku PR Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA dan MA, Intan Pariwara
Now, I’m posting in Payang Net, wait up my brother back of extracurricular in school ..
Do you remember, a moment of a coach give instruction at his boxer
Yes.. The coach while give a instruction for his boxer.
So, do you know definition of giving instruction ?
Giving Instruction is an expression that is used in order that other person does what we instruct or request.
The tense used in giving instruction is “Simple Present”
1.When the commanding word is a verb, you use the infinitive without to. Examples:
·Open the window.
·Write the sentences.
·Close the door.
2.If you do not use a verb as a commanding word, you use be + adjective. Examples:
·Be yourself.
·Be quiet.
·Be happy.
3.When you forbid someone to do something you use don’t + verb infinitive without to. Examples:
·Don’t climb.
·Don’t cry.
· Don't close the web page.
I'm remember, when we MOS, we got a lot of instruction from senior...
Look this :
There are some of disaster which kill many victims…
One example, Tsunami in Mentawai…
We must express thanks to God because we get safety from God..
So, We can give contribution as endearment or sympathy to victims of disaster.
In Palangka Raya city,
At any traffic light or town square many people from some institute which demand we contribution..
That is example of our sympathy…
Now guys..
What do you know Sympathy Expression ???
Sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we know and see someone or people are unlucky or have trouble and in bad condition. By expressing sympathy we want to show our concern or carefulness on other people’s condition.
How can we give sympathy expression to someone?
We express it directly to him/her orally or we can use a letter or card by post also by short message service (SMS), e-mail, television, radio, and newspaper if he/she who got the trouble is far from us or We can give contribution for people which have trouble.
Several expressions of sympathy :
— I’d like to express my deepest condolences
— I’m sorry to hear that
— I’m awfully sorry about…
— Oh, how awful!
— Oh, dear!
— You must be very upset
— Oh, what a shame
— How pity you are!
— How terrible / awful for you
I help my mom for make my favorite food Chicken Sate..
We need…
• 250 gr chicken fillet, cut the form of a dice
• 5 cloves of onion
• 3 cloves garlic
• 1 lemon fruit
• ½ tsp pepper powder
• 1 tsp salt
What We should do are…
·Mashed Onion and garlic. Then added salt, pepper powder and lemon water.
·Chicken fillet then mix with a flavor that has to be mashed. Then leave for 15 minutes.
·Arrange a few snippets of beef sate with the jab then roasted over live coals.
·Make the sauce (Sambal Kacang): Peanut fry and then mashed with red chili and palm sugar. Then enter onion, salt, terasi and water.
·Serve chicken sate (Sate Ayam) with the sauce (sambal kacang) and fried onion.
Hhmmm.. the Chicken Sate is delicious…(Obama saja suka sate.. ^^)
Okay, This is example of Procedure text… So, do you know definition, generic structures,Purpose, and Language Features of procedure text..??
Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps. It explains how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps. This text uses simple present tense, often imperative sentences. It also uses the temporal conjunction such as first, second, then, next, finally, etc.
The generic structures of procedure text are :
* Goal/aim ( or title)
* Materials (not required for all procedural texts)
* Steps (the actions that must be taken
To help us do a task or make something. They can be a set of instructions or directions.
Language Features :
Use of imperatives (e.g.: cut, don’t mix)
Use of action Verbs (e.g. : turn, put, mix)
Use of connectives (e.g. : first, then, finally, …)
Use of adverbial phrases (e.g. : for five minutes, 2 centimeters from the top)
Before now, I will tell you about a accident in Diponegoro street, beside Maranata crunch ..
Yesterday, when I back to home.. I saw a accident..
A electrician get a shock in a electric post, when he was repaired the electric post.
But, the victim survivor of the accident..
Oh yeah guys.. I’m remember, this is a example of recount text.
Do you remember definition of RECOUNT TEXT…?
Okay guys, I will Write about Recount text…
Recount text is a text that is used to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.
The generic structures of recount text are :
* Orientation ( it gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text such as who was involved, where it happened, when it happened)
* Events (a series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence)
* Re-orientation (restates the writer’s opinion or personal comment of the writer on the incident
The significant Lexicogrammatical features :
◦ Use of simple past tense
◦ Use of temporal conjunctions (when, after, before, next, later, then)
◦ Use of personal pronoun (I, we)
Hi all readers, this is my first written in my primbon…
This day, I will write about “Gaining Attention”
Okay guys, What do you know Definition of Gaining Attention ?
Gaining attention is a way or expression that is spoken so that other people will pay their attention to what we want to.
Attention is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one aspect of the environment while ignoring other things. Attention has also been referred to as the allocation of processing resources.
Kinds of expressing gaining attention :
— Attention, please
— May I have your attention, please?
— Excuse me, look here!
— Listening to me, please
— Waiter?
— I’m sorry, but…
— Wow really?
To response the expression about something, we can use :